Our Core Values:
Core values are operating philosophies or principles that guide our internal conduct as well as our relationship with the external world. Our core values must ring true as flowing from eternal precepts. We must feel the authority of God's breath upon them. They cannot be the better among the rest. They must speak with the urgency of a mandate from God for our church. Our Core values are Love, Prayer, Developing Leaders, Biblical Stewardship and Harvest, and we feel this strongly about our core values. Loving Relationships, Prayer, Developing Biblical Stewardship and Harvest are anchored in the pages of the New Testament, the life of Christ, the pattern of the early church and the needs of the hour for God’s Kingdom to come and His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. Clearly God has called us to set aside all distractions and lesser priorities so that we all may pour our energies and resources into Loving Relationships, Prayer, Developing Leaders, Biblical Stewardship and Harvest in this special time.
Loving Relationships | Prayer | Developing Leaders | Biblical Stewardship | Harvest